Climate changing effects on seed production
Climate change or 'Global Warming' is one of the most burning issues of the world. It changes a huge shift in weather the conditions such as changes in temperature, precipitation, winds, and other indicators.
The world's economy is highly depended on the agricultural productivity and production and as seed is the basic input of agriculture and it's getting highly affected by the continuous changes in climate.
Various impacts of climate change
Problems arising in Agriculture Fields
Several problems are arising in agricultural fields throughout the world, which affecting the crop production directly or indirectly.
- One of the adverse effects of climate change is the increasing surface temperature of the Earth.
- Another problem is the undistributed rainfall, which causing drought in one part of the country where as it causing flood in another part.
- Rising of new pest and diseases is the other troublesome matter in the agricultural fields.
All these problems are leading to the production of low amount and low quality seeds.
How its affecting the seed quality
The quality of seeds highly deteriorate in the seed production fields. So, here are some important factors which highly affecting seed quality in the field itself.
- Higher temperature causing heat stress in the crop, which damaging the seed plant at different growth stages of the crop. It also changing the organ development, respiration and senescence in plants.
- Increasing rate of atmospheric Carbon-dioxide also have some effects on the crop, like in some crop species it increasing the yield and somewhere it is decreasing. But it highly increasing the seed mass and water use efficiency.
Tomato plants showing wilting due to excessive heat
Is it affecting the plants reproduction????
Yes, this climate change have negative affect on plants reproducing capacity. It affecting the crop from the flowering time to the harvesting time. Due to the effects the plants shows changes in their flowering time, which leads to complete the crop with unwanted plants or weeds. Along with the time it causing changes in the reproducing organs, which results in immature or abnormal crops. The pollinators behaviors also changed due to high temperature and its causing the death of pollen. So, one can easily say that, it definitely have adverse affect on seed production.
Any changes in pest or disease incidence?
Again the answer will be yes. There is a huge affect of the changing incidence on the crop production fields. The insect pests or the pathogens which causes plant diseases they have a life cycle. Depending on their species it may be very very short to very long also. Now the problem is changes are occurring in their life-cycles. Also the warmer climate reduced the death of the cold-sensitive insects. New diseases are arising in new geographical locations. Result of all these problems are same... Nothing but yield reduction.
Seed production is getting highly hampered because of these prevailing atmospheric condition. So what we can assume, it will reduce some day or it will increase to a level like we all have to suffer for food? Now, i guess everything depends on us....
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