Dormancy in seeds

Have you heard about seed dormancy???? Or what dormancy may cause in seed?? So here i am describing the general things related to seed dormancy.

Seed or we can also call it as seed of our hope. If a seed germinates properly than only the grower can assume that he may get some yield.. What if the seed didn't germinate??? There can be many reasons, which leading to the death of seed. But seed dormancy is not the death of seed.

Seed dormancy can be called as the disability or the condition of the seeds, which couldn't help the seed to germinate under its favorable conditions.
So we can say that the seeds which is under dormancy they may germinate if we are able to break its dormancy. 

The possible reasons of seed dormancy

  1. Nature of the seed coat: If the seed coat (the outer cover of the seed) is hard in nature, that may become a reason of dormancy. Generally this kind of nature we can find in bitter gourd, ridge gourd etc. As seed coat is a very important aspect in uptake of water and minerals inside the seed so the hard nature may become problematic for some crops germination.
  2. Maturation of embryo: If the seed embryo is immature or small in size or it have any deficiencies it may lead to seed dormancy.
  3. Period of harvesting: If the seed isn't harvested at proper ripen stage the seed will also show dormancy symptoms.
  4. Hormonal imbalance: The problem of different growth regulators or hormones may also lead to the dormancy.
How to overcome seed dormancy????😓😓😓😓😓
As I said before, its possible to overcome dormancy. Here are some methods by which u can overcome it.

  •  Depending on the seed you can adopt the proper method. But for the seeds like the Cucurbits you can pierce or you can rub the seed on a rough surface, so that the moisture or air can pass inside the seed.
  • You can also soak the seed in hot water for a shorter time and in cold water for a longer time to soften the seed coat. But depending on the seed species you have to be sure about the temperature and duration.
  •  You can also soak the seeds in nutrient supplements if it requires any.
  • Sometimes for some special kind of seeds like cotton which used to be covered by fuzz or a cottony cover. Those seeds have to be soaked in acid solution to remove the cover first.
So, i guess the people who are interested in little bit farming at home will get some tips from here and next time if your seeds are not germinating on proper time don't assume that its dead it may be under its dormancy period.


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